In its official blog post, the company notes that the dislike button is not going anywhere. It's only the number of dislikes that will now be invisible, as the numerical figure below the icon is being replaced with the 'Dislike' text. Creators will still be able to see the number of d...
to the study, YouTube recommendations largely ignore the 'Dislike,' 'Not interested,' 'Stop recommending channel,' and 'Remove from watch history' buttons. This means users keep getting similar recommendations despite making it clear that they do not want to watch similar videos in the future....
Whatever champ, i dislike your thinking. It’s too rigid. Lacks innovation.Also too off topic. So i am done. I don’t care what past diablos did, i am looking at D4 and what they gave us and where it can be improved, as i like it. You and your types, want to take a axe ...
As such, we took away the undo button from the software you are paying for so that you couldn't work on data that belongs solely to you. if you want undo, call your accountant and pay them, or call Intuit and pay us, you foolish hostage. So Intuit...
This general dislike towards vegans has been so prevalent that it even has a term, vegaphobia, coined by researchers Matthew Cole and Karen Morgan in a2011 journal. So why are people vegaphobic? There are generally 3 reasons. Reason 1 – Vegans break the happy state of cognitive dissonance ...
Before I published this post, I ran the ideas below by some expat friends. I wanted them to tell me I was off my rocker, and to give me a different perspective. Instead they said “Nora, we would really like to tell you you’re wrong. But how on earth did you figure all this ou...
“It simply doesn’t make sense to me on any level… DISLIKE isn’t a strong enough word for how I feel about it.”–Kim Garst “I feel this is yet another sad tale of Twitter turning their backs on the developers that helped it become great. Of all the social stats to remove acce...
Joel explained how the process of recovering my money would work, and what we needed to do to get my hard-earned money back, they did an impressive job doing private investigations on those con artists that even my cop friend I had reported the case to marveled at their expertise. And ...
First, stand up straight, then get into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back into a push up position and immediately drop your chest to the ground. Bow your chest up, then return your feet back to the squat position as fast as possible....
As such, we took away the undo button from the software you are paying for so that you couldn't work on data that belongs solely to you. if you want undo, call your accountant and pay them, or call Intuit and pay us, you foolish hostage. So Intuit...