She did not enjoy the experience: apparently, I hadn’t warned her that it would be three hours long, and none of it in English.) I thought a lot about the irrevocability of time, how the present moment sometimes stops spinning in wheels and opens up like a sinkhole beneath us, to ...
But then don’t go around blogging to the world about how your ex-bf was to blame, just because he didn’t “talk” to you, and how you’re so righteous and great because you are “analyzing” it. Maybe he didn’t WANT to talk to you, did you consider that? Maybe he was tired...
but he decides he’ll force Cymoril to marry him anyway. This way the book can feature a pretty, helpless damsel as a trophy. This is not sexism, because Moorcock’s writing would never
that’s right guys, when your cam girl favourite isn’t scamming you, playing you for tips or lying to please you – she might actually have feelings for you. Check out this Reddit confession from a cam girl who’s going to marry her favourite client… “Someone new entered my ...
Does Ziva marry Tony? The Redditor admitted they were a bit behind with the show, and some commenters were quick to point out that fans have, in fact, received a bit of closure regarding the Tony-Ziva romance (It has ultimately been revealed thatZiva and Tony are happily living together ...
You probably never met a golddigger, you use your imagination/what you saw in movies to imagine what they might be like. You are far from the truth. They can seriouslyRUINyour life. Why You Don’t Have a Girlfriend! But still, James bond is a bad boy and girls love bad boys, and...
A bit of simple advice, if you’re engaged and don’t want to marry that person, break it off. Rip it off like a Band-Aid. Life’s too short!" —u/Sudden-Abbreviations 32."I said yes under duress. He proposed onstage; it was very hard to say no. I broke up with him later...