(You can refresh your VPN vocab if you'd like.) No matter what, make sure the VPN you choose ticks two important boxes: One, its privacy policy should explicitly state that it doesn't collect or store any consumer logs that can be traced back to you — otherwise, what's the point?
But why did Apple choose not to call the Vision Pro a hobby? That decision was entirely Tim Cook’s, because only the CEO can designate a product to be a hobby. Someone has to take responsibility and when it has an even a minuscule effect on earnings, that someone is the CEO. ...
but the target was actually found not to be in violation of the rules at all. Not even by applying catch-all clauses. Did the aggressors put down their torches and pitchforks in shame, did the committee “show empathy towards
You probably don't care too much about the bogus accounts on the sites at the moment and, quite rightly, are more concerned about your own security. So, if you believe you might be at risk, change your passwords both on the sites and anywhere else on the web that could be usin...
that makes them choose the right track for you. But not every time these algorithms work as they should. Especially it is true about musician’s perspective. For a musician, these algorithms don’t seem to work that well or work at all. How many times did a mediocre musician upload the...
John Launchbury, the director of DARPA’s Information Innovation Office, told me an illuminating story from the Cyber Grand Challenge. The various competing systems had been seeded with security vulnerabilities that they were expected to find and fix before they could be exploited by another ...
Can we now finally put this to rest and return to what this blog is about, security?ab praeceptis • July 8, 2017 6:12 PM not the brightest bulb While I see, and commend, that you chose a fine assortment of golden sticker worthy bits and pieces, you did not create “100% bull...
In this case,darthdiablostarted a thread onReddittitledFoxNews,Drudge, andWikileaks on Twitterhas went silent for 3 days (and in Drudge's case, deleted tweets), where he said: Any ideas what's going on with those 3? I think it was originally reported that FoxNews was boycotting Twitter...
You can see that Snowden has been largely left alone to generate vast and uncompromising accounts of his own heroism, and that he is susceptible to these narratives, but Oliver brings it crashing down with some really tough reality. Snowden then reiterates why he did what he did, in the ...
Put your orders in America. And quick as Kodak your leaders duplicate with the accent being on the dupe - cause all of a sudden we have fallen prey to selective amnesia - remembering what we want to remember and forgetting what we choose to forget. All of a sudden, the man who called...