Why did Austria-Hungary enter WW1?World War I and the Balkans:Austria-Hungary was one of the main combatants in World War I and one of its earliest belligerents, declaring war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. Austria-Hungary's decision was the spark that helped set off the entire war....
POSH: This came about during the British “Raj” days when we ran India. When the wealthy traveled out to India (by boat of course) they did so by reserving the best cabins on the boat. Now, think about it… Travelling there from Britain they went south to the Med and then east unt...
The United States If The Annexation Bill of 1866 Had Passed US Propaganda Map Of What Would Happen To The US If The Central Powers Won WW1 An Incredibly Detailed Map of the Roman Empire At Its Height in 211AD What Would Happen If You Pulled A 10m Plug In The Mariana Trench Luxembourg ...
Yesterday, I did a routine dip , and rinsed them all off, then put them on my hand, they seemed lighter gold. I asked my husband what he thinks, and he thinks the silver cleaner turned my gold to silver, I think that is ridiculous. I KNOW my jewelry is all 14K gold. Now I'm ...
Brother Nathanael January 19, 2015 @ 1:21 am Here IS a man who has the integrity to say “thank you.” Email Correspondence Between Jeff Rense and Br Nathanael “Great work. I knew there was something wrong with that story but I did not have time to check into it. WELL DONE. Jeff...
So, where did where did hello come from? It turns out,hellocan be traced back to the 19th century. It stemmed from variations like ‘hallo’, ‘hullo’, ‘hollo’ and ‘holla’, salutations that had been in use to hail someone since the Middle Ages. ‘Halloo’ was traditionally used ...
nothing to prepare us for the epidemic, US officials start blaming China for the pandemic. At one point they even claimed to have evidence that the virus escaped from a Chinese lab. The evidence did not exist; it was all a lie. How would you expect the Chinese people to react to our ...
Each year I waited for courtship to start working and for my homeschool friends to start getting married. It never happened. Most of them are still single. Some have grown bitter and jaded. Then couples who did get married through courtship started getting divorced. I’m talking the kind of...
Jesus did not preach hatred against Jew or Roman, but against the traditions of men that nullified the Word of God. Whoever is an enemy of the Cross is an enemy of God and will most definitely be destroyed by God. B August 10, 2013 @ 1:22 pm I wonder if there are other ...
This line from Hemingway’s story exemplifies this example of being forced to a decision by the other character, “I know you wouldn’t mind it Jig, it’s not really an operation at all.” This character, the American is trying to persuade Jig into his decision on the subject. The Amer...