Why did workers form labor unions? Why did the Founding Fathers keep slavery in the U.S. Constitution? Why was the triangular trade so profitable? Why did slave codes become more strict over time? What was the purpose of the Atlantic slave trade?
Why hasn't the United Automobile Workers union organized Mexican auto workers to raise the auto wages to parity with the U.S. as it did in Canada from 1937 to 1985? Explain why less-developed countries must impose higher tariffs. Why are the...
In Unions, Strength; Why the Democrats Need LaborIN UNIONS, STRENGTH WHY THE DEMOCRATS NEED LABOR What is killing the center-left in...By MeyersonHaroldNation
It’s about more than money.For workers, the two main reasons for joining labor unions are better pay and benefits (65%) and employee rights and representation (57%). At the same time, more than a third of union members point to job security (42%) and better pension and retirement ben...
House leveLThe apex ofthis process was reached in the 1994 elections when the GOP capitalized on top-down presidential influence in the form ofa negative backlash against Democratic President Clinton. In these Thble3.1 Republican strength ... JA Aistrup - 《Southern Strategy Revisited》 被引量:...
Question: Why did Henry Ford pay his workers so well? Henry Ford: Henry Ford was an American entrepreneur and engineer who figured out how to mass produce the automobile and make it affordable for the common person. Ford's work revolutionized the structure of human life and the structure of...
When workers managed to form unions, companies called on local police to disperse union gatherings, marches and picket lines, using violence and mass arrests to break the will of strikers. A narrow focus Police work is a fundamentally conservative act. And police officers tend to ...
Howard Kimeldorf, "Bringing Unions Back In (or Why We Need a New Old Labor History)," Labor History, 32, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 91-103, followed by responses from Michael Kazin, Alice Kessler-Harris, David Montgomery, Bruce Nelson, Daniel Nelson, 104-29. See also the roundtable ...
Why is the Department of Labor important to the government? Why did political parties and special interest groups form in the United States? Why are labor laws important to employers? Why is political ideology important? Why is the Department of Labor important?
The region experienced a sharp downturn in industrial activity from the increased cost of domestic labor, competition from overseas, technology advancements replacing workers, and thecapital-intensivenature of manufacturing. Other states also experienced declines in manufacturing, such as in the Deep South...