What did Allen Ginsberg say about a writer's voice? Why is The Raven a narrative poem? Why is Invictus the title of the poem? Why did Elizabeth Bishop use a villanelle for One Art? Who wrote the poem Howl? Why did Walt Whitman write poetry?
Why did Walt Whitman write "O Captain! My Captain!?" Walt Whitman: Walt Whitman, one of America's most beloved poets was a transcendentalist who lived from 1819-1892. He lived most of his life in NYC and New Jersey though he spent time in Washington DC volunteering and searching for his...
Why did Jonathan Swift become a poet? In King Lear, why is Gloucester blinded? Why was John Keats obsessed with the urn? Why was Tennyson criticized for The Lady of Shalott? According to Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself," why is there really no death? Why is John Keats important? Why...
It might also help to remember that the part of you that feels like this wound will never heal is almost definitely wrong, and being wrong about that is also a staple of the human experience. Make that part of you write a letter to yourself, expressing how it feels. It’ll be fun to...
Why did Faulkner write As I Lay Dying?William Faulkner:William Faulkner (1897-1962) was an American writer who is most known for his novels The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying. He is often considered a Southern Gothic writer, attributed to his use of a complex and borderline ...
Comment on Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" as a poem of democracy. How did Langston Hughes influence the Civil Rights Movement? What is the meaning of Tomorrow by Langston Hughes? In The Weary Blues, by Langston Hughes, how and why is the final line significant? What are some poems by...
Why did John Keats write Bright Star? Why did T.S. Eliot write 'Journey of the Magi'? Why did Edgar Allan Poe write "A Valentine"? Why did Shakespeare write Sonnet 18? Why did Shakespeare write Sonnet 116? Why did Shakespeare write Sonnet 130? According to Walt Whitman's "Song of M...
What are the political implications of the first stanza of Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself"? Which impact did John Winthrop have on modern American religion? Why did Louis XIV revoke the Edict of Nantes? What figure of speech would "I whipped me behind the arras, and there/ ...
Why did Shel Silverstein write Where the Sidewalk Ends? Why did Sara Teasdale write There Will Come Soft Rains? Why did William Wordsworth write about nature? Why did Petrarch write sonnets? According to Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself," why is there really no death? Why did Robert Frost ...
Why did Edgar Allan Poe write To the River? According to Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself," why is there really no death? Why did Truman Capote talk strangely? Why did they call Truman Capote bulldog? Why is Truman Capote controversial? Why is Henry V called Harry in Shakespeare's Henry...