How did the Boston Church punish Anne Hutchinson? Why did Jane Austen never marry? Why did Virginia Woolf commit suicide? Why was Sylvia Pankhurst expelled? What has Elizabeth Proctor said about Abigail in The Crucible? Why did Harriet Jacobs become a Christian?
Why did Virginia Woolf write Mrs. Dalloway? Why did Rita Dove write Heart to Heart? Why Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights. Why does Creon bury Polyneices before rescuing Antigone? What was one reason Mrs. Pontellier was unhappy in The Awakening?
This is obviously what is encapsulated in my question: Why did Emma Bovary have to be killed? In order to bring up the issue, we must start from a closer investigation of what is supposed to be Emma’s fundamental error: the error of mistaking literature for life. Madame Bovary is ...
She bursts into a goofy laugh. “How did this happen? So much of it is great memories. My mother said in her wedding speech — my second wedding — that Nicole’s always looked at the world through rose-colored glasses, particularly the past.” Kidman pauses, sm...
“Did you write this?” “Are you reading my journal?” I asked in a shocked and accusatory tone. “Wait, that’s not all. ‘How can I ever be happy again with all this guilt and shame? Why did I ever agree to meet up with her?’” My wife shook my exposed journal in my ...
Loose dogs come in all shapes and feelings, but one thing that all loose dogs have in common is that you must follow them. You can’t banish them from the room like Knausgaard or my imagined Virginia Woolf—who, as it turns out, did have a dog, a cocker spaniel named Pinka. In fa...
“Dostoevsky is a horseman in the desert with a quiver of arrows. Blood drips where his arrow hits. Dostoevsky lives in us. His music will never die,”Vasily Rozanov, one of the most influential Russian philosophers of the 20th century wrote in 1912. Here are the top five traits of Fyodo...
a shouting match over a peanut butter sandwich mighthappen because one person thinks the other person is unwilling to try new things. Students need toask themselves questions such as these: How did this start What do I really want What am I afraidof. As the issue becomes clearer, the confl...
but it was co-star Renee Zellweger who won the statuette that year. She did solid work for Jonathan Glazer in Birth, but stumbled in the eyes of a many with a pair of comedies, The Stepford Wives and Bewitched, that her skills could not save. She worked with Sean Penn in ...
CJH:I still read a lot of poetry, especially before I start writing in the morning. The compression and intensity of poetry is something I want to get into my prose, so it helps to remind yourself daily that every word counts, every sentence can be magical. I did think I was going to...