Compassionate Capitalism means that corporations have to account for the costs that they impose on the environment, the communities that lie in the vicinity of their factories and plants as well as offices, their employees whom they have to treat with more kindness, and the consumers and other ...
While some utopians might aspire to total equality, I don’t, and it’s not happening in our lifetime, anyway.The classic response to this question, usually by those who would like to downplay the extent to which income and wealth have become concentrated at the top, is that we seek ...
catching bits of conversation: "We can’t keep bailing out the banks," "My interest turned to Bitcoin for dispute negotiation." The Seasteading Institute, the organization that wants to set up utopian communities on ocean liners in international ...
which has a long history of putting the “dis” in utopian. I learned about government in the wake of the Vietnam War and Watergate. I was raised by an activist who spent a lot of time decompressing with friends after dealing with one headache or another. In my own activism, I...
So anyway, just to come back to an initial questions do you think generally cooperatives are a good way for communities to create wealth? The idea of “socialized profits” (mind the word trap) – I find the idea compelling to make the employees the shareholders of their...
So what's to be done here to bring the wrongdoers to account, and to fail-safe the future? We can start by acknowledging that utility companies are an odd creature ? a bastard amalgam of private and public sector genes. They are monopolies set-up for specialized circumstances ? we don'...
communities are relatively marginal, and that any shifts regarding understandings of IPA that occur there are unlikely to trickle through into wider social change, the popularity of the communities, the closed nature of LBT communities, and the insidious nature of IPA, means that there is enormous...
marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the[corporate media]evening news. Did we know we were lying about the ...
I live in an area where fracking has been moving into heavily populated areas, and some of those communities have been trying to block it. I have wanted to understand the economics of fracking to know whether this will be a boom-and-bust situation. If so, then I believe communities are ...
helping nameless ‘feckless’ less fortunates. Great. But it just ends up costing us in other ways. I guess it’s fine for the super-super-rich, because they can afford to separate themselves off from normal society into their gated luxury communities. But for most folk, that’s not the...