•SEATO•TheSEATOTreatyof1954.•Thistreatysetoutthatactionwouldbetakenifthefollowingcountrieswereattacked:USA,GreatBritain,France,Australia,NewZealand,ThailandorPakistan.•SouthVietnam,CambodiaandLaoswerealsoguaranteedprotection AustraliasendstroopstoVietnam •TheAustraliangovernmentfeltthatthebestwaytodealwith...
Sports, TV, and Pot. As far as Christians go, We Christians are too busy fighting the Good fight of Faith. (You would "t know). Where in the New Testament does it say you must fight
In Vietnam, the United States military targeted civilians and children. In Iraq, the United States military targeted civilians and children. In Syria, the United States military targeted civilians and children. That's how we fight our wars. If you enlist in the military, you will be tasked w...
Senator Gaylord Nelson advocated for Earth Day and called on "students to fight for environmental causes and oppose environmental degradation with the same energy that they displayed in opposing the Vietnam War," states the libr...
did not affect the Vietnamese as is they refused to fight or there was anti-war sentiment amongst the Vietnamese public then they would loose their homeland. In hindsight this proved to be the best motivation for Vietnam and this sense of nationalism was something that America continued to ...
The Refugee Act of 1980 answered the obvious need in post-Vietnam America for an updated immigration policy. The legislation amended the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, raising the annual refugee cap from 17,400 to 50,000 and putting in place...
The Refugee Act of 1980 answered the obvious need in post-Vietnam America for an updated immigration policy. The legislation amended the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, raising the annual refugee cap from 17,400 to 50,000 and putting in place...
places really are the best storytellers. By tracking the Passaic’s pollution levels, we toured the tales of its waters, beginning with its use by the Lenape Native Americans, to its unjust usurpation by European hegemons, to the Vietnam War, during which tons of Agent Orange were dumped ...
The Refugee Act of 1980 answered the obvious need in post-Vietnam America for an updated immigration policy. The legislation amended the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, raising the annual refugee cap from 17,400 to 50,000 and putting in place...
due to a lack of physical recognition of foreigners, as anybody could instantly tell a person of Italian descent, even among other white Europeans (while Japanese usually can't tell a Vietnamese apart). =>Even comingfrom an ethnically purer environment, most Europeans do not make much fuss...