China! Did we help that? Yes!Because we gave China Afghanistan. You know why we built that gigantic base over there, that we just handed to them? Because that's near the site of rare earth minerals!Again, we cannot compete in tomorrow's world without rare earth minerals.Why do you ...
Otherwise, I don’t want to go for too long, but it’s also quite interesting that he fits into the whole ideological leanings of NATO. For example, during the Afghanistan war, in which he presided over much of this war, half of it, you had CIA documents be...
Why did Fidel Castro revolt? Why was the Immigration Act of 1965 controversial? Why were the Alien and Sedition Acts controversial? Why did the War on Terrorism target Afghanistan? Why was Mecca a trade center for the Arabian Peninsula?
People have worked very hard to rewrite the history of Ronald Reagan’s presidency, but objective historical facts dispute the wishful thinking of the 40th president's admirers. What were some of the bad things that Ronald Reagan did as president?
Russia attack latest: Suspects detained in car chase Image:Gunmen storm Crocus City Hall, and a fire is viewed from outside. Pics: Reuters Khorasan is an ancient term referring to regions of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Iran. IS-K's members are primarily disaffected fighters from the Pakistani...
25%ofcostshasbeencoveredbyUSA(10Billions$)費用的25% 由美國支應(100億美金)75%ofcostshasbeencoveredbyArabian countries,especiallyKuwaitandSaudiArabia(30Billions$)75%的費用則由阿拉伯國家支付,主要為科威特及沙烏地阿拉伯 (300億美金)Wheredidtheyfindthatmoney?他們去哪裡找這些錢?Oilprice,beforethewar,...
authoritative in western philosophical thought. Yet, when checked against this list of criteria, all the wars fought by the USA are clearly and self-evidently totally unjust: all of them fail on several criteria, and most of them (including the attack on Iraq and Afghanistan) fail on all of...
After the 9/11 attack in the USA and the direct involvement of world powers in Afghanistan, the international community contended that Pakistan's army and intelligence agency were using terrorism and extremism to achieve its strategic goals. After Osama bin Laden was killed near a military academy...
You didn't attack the WTC. Why are you targeted? What is the justification for this destruction of freedom, which Bush supposedly protects? In 14 months since Sept.11, 2001, there has been not one Muslim terrorist attack in the US despite the bloody American invasion of Afghanistan. If ...
withdrawal from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, she sidestepped the question somewhat. "Well, I agreed with Joe Biden's decision," Harris said, noting that there are no American troops in combat zones anywhere in the world. She did not go any further in defending the...