spearheading a North American Free Trade Act (to the chagrin of organized labor), performance standards in classrooms (resisted by teachers’ unions) and welfare reform and crime control
Other smaller, temporary unions were formed over the decades for defensive and trade purposes, but the next major federation didn’t occur until 1754, when legislative representatives from 7 of the 13 British colonies attended the Albany Congress. The intention of this Congress was to discuss how ...
Why did the Swedish teacher unions not oppose school vouchers?Suaphan, Parita
Why do informal markets resist formalizing, even when the gains of doing so outweigh its costs in the long run? While a number of responses to this questio
Problem was, with private-sector unions down to 8 percent of the workforce, the hall had become a Starbucks. I got a vanilla chai latte to go and beat it.I decided to head for the new economy, so I looked up some managers and professionals in the service sector. I found them, all ...
Blame yourself and other people who promised to pay their bills and didn't. We did the best we could with the information we had at the time tomake your dreams of homeownership a reality. You think just because you make this much money and have that much in assets that you deserve ...
However, this behavior also reflects a problematic tendency to equate beauty with morality. The hotter a celebrity is, the more we want to confirm their stance and the more we seek to praise them. But advocating for Palestine cannot begin and end with who you think is beautiful. ...
Google surfaced them in Google Suggest, the drop-down recommendations that appear for every user as they begin to type a query.But it was Facebook that became the focus of the discussion, perhaps because at first Mark Zuckerberg denied the problem, saying in an onstage interview at...
water. While they were still screaming at each other, I poured the water over her. Then I declared her to be now baptized a witch and the lawful wife of Satan. I will be honest, I enjoyed the expressions of shock and then panic on her face. She told me to undo what I did. I ...
I received an email from the lender asking if I wanted to lock this rate and if so, I need to respond by 3pm. I did reply and said, “Yes, please lock the rate.” I received a follow up email from my lender stating he made a huge error and the rate is 4.5. Can I hold him...