Although seemingly shallow on the outside, Mark Antony was not only a relative but also one of the few truly loyal companions of Julius Caesar, hating his murder and avenging his death. Explore the depth of Mark Antony's character through a thoughtful analysis of h...
Why did John Proctor confess in The Crucible? Why is Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral called a 'poetic play'? Why did Shakespeare name his play "Twelfth Night"? Why is dreaming used in A Midsummer Night's Dream? In The Crucible, why does Hale become suspicious of the Proctors?
Romans would trust their emperor, Caesar, would be doing the right thing, so they’ll stop caring about the government. Caesar’s Tyranny will start. I Antony, did not thought of Caesar as ambitious rather than a person who looked forward and for the benefit of Rome. It’s my fault Cae...
Thus, the Egyptians recognized the moral awkwardness of putting the name of Osiris's murderer on his temple, but this did not discredit the cult of Seth or the king named after him. Some gods are just like that. But they are still gods. Example: The Greek hero of the Iliad, Achilles...
Caesar had dined at Lepidus's house the night before his murder. One of the ringleaders of the conspiracy, Gaius Cassius Longinus, had argued for the killing
It was all I did when I was in college. I really missed home and going to the movies made me forget that for a while. As I look at this list, there is somewhat of a theme. Female characters that stood up for themselves, went up against the bad guy or behaved very, very badly....
I was brought up that to be a Man, was to be respectful of not just women, but everyone, unless they disrespect you. Being a Man was holding the door open for a woman, even if I did not know her, regardless of her age or race. Being a Man meant taking responsibility for your ac...
Why is Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral called a 'poetic play'? Why does Brutus take his own life at the end of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar? What makes Jefferson a hero in A Lesson Before Dying? Why did some people hate Truman Capote?
Why did Julius Caesar fail in Shakespeare's play? Why were mystery plays banned? Why was Othello jealous in the play? Why do Gertrude and Claudius think Hamlet is mad in Hamlet? Why was Midsummer Night's Dream in Dead Poets Society?
Why did Poe title his story The Cask of Amontillado? In the story "The Lottery", the word win is never used. What is used instead and why? Why is Pygmalion funny? Why is Dee the antagonist in Everyday Use? Why type of story is Murder on the Orient Express?