17These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. 18Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you. Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have seen; they are puffed up with ...
The first persecutions against the Jewish people were religious. They were 'killers of Christ' and 'black magic worshippers' who did not follow or believe in Jesus. We can see that hatred was felt by the local populations; but it was the leaders of the different societies which stirred up ...
It is historical fact that Pilate wished to release Jesus Christ but the Jews insisted, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him! His blood be upon us and upon our children!”Indeed every Jew who persists in his hatred of Jesus Christ, especially the “new enemies” of the Cross: ...
I know how to let go of my past in my head because I surrendered everything to God when I truly believed in Christ at the age of 24, but after 11 years (I am 35 today), surrendering seems very difficult to me today. This truly frustrates me to death especially when I call myself...
(I Cor. 6:18). Jesus Christ revealed the urgency of getting away from sin in His instruction to pluck out our eye or cut off our right hand if they tempt us to sin (Matt. 5:29-30). Of course, He was using a powerful figure of speech; He did not mean we should literally cut...
No Jew can read the life of Christ in the New Testament and in the writings of Jews like Josephus and not know who they had as a visitor among them at the time – a man who did wonders –“no man ever spake like this man”. Therefore America needs to know that all Jews have to...