Here’s another good question, and a partial answer: why did socialist Senator Bernie Sanders recently sabotage Ron Paul’s efforts at reining in the corrupt Fed by watering down his Audit the Fed bill to the point of impotence? Answer: because he’s part of the Zio-Bolshevik complex as...
He added, "as I got older, you know, like close to my teens, like 11, 12 years old, I really understood why my dad did this. And it was escape the tyranny that that is communism over there in Cuba, in places like Venezuela, where we see this happening in Brazil. So this was ...
I have been looking a long time for a way to explain how the Jews control Goyim and this nails it: Wine, dine and buy. This is exactly what the Jews did in Soviet. Any goyim that did the jews bidding was wine, dine and bought. It’s the exact same MO the jews use in all west...
a very large, very heavy and very costly energy storage device is necessary. This device being the EV’s battery pack. It is the single most expensive component that goes into the making
Just as a real Socialist has such keen insight that he can transcend all class consciousness that blinds all the rest of humanity except himself so that he can poke his head outside the stream of History and get the big picture, such a Marx did, such a person doesn't need no s...
On a friendly note, how was it in Poland after fall of the wall, regarding that? Did poland have a drop in born babies after fall of communism, like we had? Did it bound back to normal like here as well? You know one thing i just think about, this was a very bad time for many...
The west is a big place. If you are refirring to the US politicians there is very little accountability. They allow themselves to do insider trading. Conflict of interest is not in the American language. They do just about what they like. The worst thing that could possibly happen to the...
Jackson said that a Robert Ahler had stayed in her hotel for 3 weeks, and she thinks she had seen him with a familiar face (Oswald) and left communist propaganda in one of the drawers, as well as a swastika. Underlined by whoever did the investigation, was that he spent $2o a week...
Where did I say the word is related to marriage? I said love should be based from the feeling in the heart and not merely friendship. And unlike English, it is utmost awkward to say "You love your friend" in Chinese. (2) Quote ...
Of course lots of poor countries gained on the US, but that’s to be expected. But I will show that the performance of every single country on the list is consistent with my view that the neoliberal reforms after 1980 helped growth, and inconsistent with Krugman’s view that they did ...