Why was the USA unable to defeat Communism in Asia between 1965-1973? The policy of containment in Asia was probably one of America’s worst executed political strategies of the last centaury. There were a number of fatal flaws that meant the USA could never really claim a total victory in...
Lee Hockstader
Following opposition to American involvement in Vietnam, much of the American population had become anti-war with growing opposition to nuclear tests and American military involvement in foreign nations. Western culture did not fear communism in the 1970s to the same extent as opposed to the 1950...
Individually, the number of women who did show up may not be known, but few female-led support groups were formed on behalf of men. This is indicative of something not observed by many. Indifference? How many men, knowing that they've been worked over will willingly want to rise to the...
Why did this movement never pick up steam? Because those Billionaires and Bankers did what they always do: they made it a political issue and part of one political platform, in this case the “Liberal Left”, which then made the other half of the population of th...
WhyDidAustraliaFightInTheVietnamWar?Whydidwesend47,000menandwomentoVietnam?Fearofcommunism •Therewasagrowingfearofcommunism•TheinvasionoftheNorthKoreancommunistsintodemocraticSouthKoreawasseenasathreattodemocracy•SendingtroopstoVietnamwasamovetosupportdemocracy SituationinVietnam •Vietnamwasonceacolonyof...
The lord was right, the devolving situationislike covid. Experts then did not admit error, either. They stifled and punished, as best they could, all opposition. They had (idiot) fear on their side then. Not so much now. Our rulers have to go. ...
Marine Le Pen has not been a strawman for the Jews in any way. She speaks like Chancellor Hitler did so far as loyalty to her country and love of countrymen, just not quite as candid as he. Like Putin, she lives for her people and it’s quite evident. Trump, his vice and most...
Nice. This way I can see why, because very down to earth, no BS and straight to the point. And lot of people can relate to that. [00:02:40] So that’s good. They’re going to his house in Florida. Damn. They did the trailer. Man. It’s going to be crazy. So they can ...
Greek humanism did not actually begin with Socrates, but with the Sophists. A σοφιστής, sophistés, is simply one who knows something, or the "master of one's craft or art," an "adept." What the Sophists actually were, however, was traveling paid teachers. Like modern rock...