Yet the United States has never been able to insulate itself completely against the rest of the world—and there were many Americans who did not want to do that. Among the founding fathers, even George Washington admitted that his country might occasionally need temporary military alliances.Thomas...
The world is poised at a critical juncture. It appears as if, notwithstanding the most strenuous efforts of the West, of the US, of NATO, and of the most mystifyingly suicidal governments that hold sway over the capitals of Western Europe, history is being made b...
“If our need for status is fundamental, this discomfort we feel about admitting it may seem surprising. But we tend to believe the brain’s heroic story, not the subconscious realpolitik of the game. To admit to being motivated by improving our rank risks making others think less of us, ...
when the organization was created, the United States paid in dollars and gold (this was when gold was the mainstay of the international payments system). Other countries have also paid in gold, as well as in acceptable “strong” currencies. ...