AustraliasendstroopstoVietnam •TheAustraliangovernmentfeltthatthebestwaytodealwithcommunistthreatswastosendtroopstothethreat•In1962Australiasent30militaryadviserstoassistUSforcesinSouthVietnam CountriesthatwenttowarinVietnam •EightcountriessupportedSouthVietnaminitsstrugglewithNorthVietnam ––––––––...
Why did people support the Vietnam War? Why did Americans oppose the Vietnam War? Why did the Gens de Couleur support the Haitian Revolution? Why didn't the U.S. intervene in the Rwandan genocide? Why did the U.S. withdraw its support of the Somozas? Why did the Vietnamese fight th...
Wowwk arrived as an infantryman in the Army’s First Cavalry Division in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam in early January 1969 to fight in an escalating and increasingly unwinnable war. By June, Wowwk had been wounded twice—the second time seriously—and was sent back to the United States for ...
Against a backdrop of political mismanagement and social angst, history has failed to respect those who gave their all to the war in Vietnam. Forty years ago, Asia was at a vital crossroads, moving into an uncertain future dominated by three different historical trends. The first involved the...
The US used to stand for freedom. Now it stands for sodomy. by Mike Stone ( Did you see who the United States Navy revealed as their first "digital ambassador" last week?It's a drag queen.Apparently, the admirals running the show in the Pentagon think having a homosexual...
Why did France win the Hundred Years' War? Why didn't the Allies invade before the Battle of France? Why did France surrender to Germany in WWII? Why did the British win the Battle of Britain? Why were the French confident that they would win the war against the Vietminh? Why did ...
How can we get in the face of a student and push him to a place that is foreign and scary, asking him to become greaterthanhisenvironmentWecan’t,whyBecausewedo not know what it lacks like, we do not know what itfeels like. Our role as a teacher becomes technical, causingus tomiss...
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Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Regiment, elaborated: “They read the U.S. newspaper clippings, and they saw the demonstrations and unpopularity of the war. If they could inflict major casualties on us, then that would necessitate a change in our tactics. And to a great extent, it did.” ...
The Robot Chicken crew shows us what events made Harold start drawing with his purple crayon. Jerry Seinfeld and The Joker have a very explosive chat in Jerry's car. Miss Frizzle jumps on board the Fortnite Battle Bus and rides into battle. ...