Why did the United Nations became involved in Palestine? What did the IMPACT trade union stand for? Why was dual federalism replaced by cooperative federalism? How is the European Union addressing pollution issues? Why do some countries fear increasing economic interdependence?
Several new countries were created in the Middle East, with borders chosen not to further Arab unity, but to defeat it. As part of the disposition of the region, the idea was advanced at the United Nations of dividing Palestine into two countries, one for Jews and one for Arabs. The Naz...
A man named Herr Hanfstaengl was a mutual friend of the two men and was eager to arrange a meeting. “However, in the course of conversation with Hanfstaengl, I happened to say ‘Why is your chief so violent about the Jews. I can quite understand being angry with Jews who have done...
No, the ADL’s mission is to STOP all criticism of Israel and promote this racist, murderous, rogue state. Here is what the ADL, those wicked Haters of our freedom of speech, did to me: (They are Anti American my friends) After 12 hours of grueling work and fighting with Apollo Web...
As I understand it, Palestine was destroyed in the process of creating Israel, so the process of creating Israel was far from perfect. The first Israelis fought amongst each other as well as against the Arabs, so they are also not a perfect example of freedom and democracy; however, they ...
officer I had always wanted to help others, and that being paralyzed hadn't change that desire. Then she announced that I had forgiven the young man who had tried to murder me. Everyone seemed astounded, and ever since that day I've had people ask me, "Why? Why did you forgive him?
In lieu of a two-state solution in the territory of Palestine, therefore, Israeli policy has produced a chronic state of confrontation and war with the huge share of the Lebanese population represented by Hezbollah. The latter is surely no agency of peaceful governance and has committed ...
• Barack Obama "threatened" the Palestinian president to withdraw a bid for recognition of Palestine at the UN. • South African intelligence spied on Russia over a controversial $100m joint satellite deal. The cache, which has been independently authenticated by the Guardian, mainly involves ...
– One might well follow the question whether he himself did act according to that as his threatening to ban me was evidently not based on “assume good faith.” (but rather assuming who know what evil from my side). But the issue has been cleared and apology was offered, hence the ...
Why, instead, did an Israeli internal investigation, which released its findings just two weeks ago, say that a 2002 missile strike in Gaza that tore apart the small bodies of 8 children asleep in their beds was ‘justified’, and that there was ‘no wrongdoing’ committed by the ...