For Tristan, access to the “secret gay society” allowed him to finally accept his sexuality, when the only message he’d received up to that point was that it was sinful and wrong. “I won’t come out to my family because they think that homosexuals should be lined up and shot. My...
objection offered by skeptics who fail to understand the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus. The cross is the place where God Himself paid the price of our sin; He did not require the death of another created being, the sacrifice of one human for another. Instead, He offered himself in our...
Schecter, “Christianity was invented by a manic depressant named Saul of Tarsus. Therefore we are not even going to bother studying Christianity. We will now go on to the study of Buddhism.”I was disappointed. I at least wanted to know something about the religion we were not supposed to...
I’m a tepid non-believer myself. But being secular doesn’t give you a hall pass to ignore your Christian influences. We should study religion not to dogmatically accept faith, but to understand the foundations of our worldview. As we do, we should ask ourselves: “Is Christianity true?
I have sinned against Thee, O Savior, as did the Prodigal Son; accept me in repentance, O Father, and have mercy on me, O God. I cry unto Thee, O Christ our Savior, with the voice of the Publican: be Thou gracious unto me, as Thou was unto him, and have mercy on me O God...
Without. A. Doubt. So I went. Have others questioned my decision? Yes. But I erred on the side of sacrifice. Engagement is messy, but a necessary part of the true Christian life. Jesus has told us to love our enemies. He did not tell us that we had to agree with our enemies. ...
When Did Hawking Become an Atheist? Hawking was probably an atheist from an early age. His family was nominally Christian, but for all intents and purposes, they were intellectual atheists. As a boy at St. Albans school, he argued with his classmates about Christianity. During his college ...
The first is because he freely offers it to us. His yoke is not something I have to search for. I do not have to beg for it. Nor did I have to work for it. The offer of God’s grace, represented by the yoke of Christ, is freely offered to all who would accept it by faith...
The Greek "New" Testament is a perfect continuation of the genius of the Hebrew "Old" Testament, but religious Christianity is in fact a domesticated version of Greek polytheism and dualistic philosophy. Christianity is canine, which is why it thrives on debate and the assertion of dominance (...
— Romans 12:1 You see, I’m not sure that Jesus’ intention was ever to create a new religion out of teachings that shape a lifestyle. And even if He did, then the epistle of James (probably His very close relative) reminds us: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and ...