Gracie Martinez is a 52-year-old Hispanic small business owner from Eagle Pass, Texas, the border town that Trump visited in February when he and Biden made same-day trips to the state. Martinez said she once voted for former President Barack Obama and is still a Democrat, but now bac...
I’ll never be able to pronounce Wrocław correctly because of how the Poles make their /R/ sounds so much like the Mexicans do and my mouth just refuses to learn to do it correctly. (7) In Vietnam its best to not criticize. So you won’t see me loudly complaining about streets...
But I will show that the performance of every single country on the list is consistent with my view that the neoliberal reforms after 1980 helped growth, and inconsistent with Krugman’s view that they did not. Krugman makes the basic mistake of just looking at time series evidence, and only...