Even so there are distinctive differences between the subgroups represented under the term LGBTQ, we acknowledge the political and social entanglement and use it addressing issues and the community as a whole as other researchers did. First, we give a short overview of the literature on LGB ...
This combined with research assistant Dr Amy Hamilton’s input on Minority Stress Theory versus natural law, brought into relief the fact that there is all to play for in protecting the spaces of those leaving LGBTQ+ living. Professor Sullins also clarified the current debate around the myth tha...
Jason was one of the kids who messaged Tristan several years back. “It’s like you’re in a secret society of gay people,” he explains of the underground network of LGBTQ kids at the school. “I’ll come out to somebody, and then they’ll come out to me. They’ll tell me about...
Today we’re really stretching the definition of “wildlife”, which now includes the language ofHomo sapiens.Athayde Tonhasca Júnior had a biology contribution in the queue, but, as you see below, urged me to post this first because it’s relevantto one of my recent postsabout the spread...
I knew I did, I sort of had to prove that to them. Really, truly, the best thing that ever happened to me was not making it for so long. I was 27 the first time I ever felt like I had real success, and I had become who I was going to be as a man. I was so ...
Identity has been at the heart of the so-called culture wars being seen across the country, as Democrats and Republicans go head-to-head on issues such as LGBTQ+ rights, racial education in schools, and more. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives a victory speech after defeating Democratic guberna...
Years ago I went to teach in an urban school in order to join black people in their quest for equality. I was naïve, unaware of my ignorance, and totally conscious of race. What I learned was to question: why always in black and white? Please look for
foundedKokila, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers—watched these proceedings with great interest. She had come up with the concept ofAntiracist Babyand persuaded Kendi to write it. “Never, in my whole career, did I expect one of our books to be debated on the Senate floor,” she recalls...
I think there's something self-defeating about the gay pride movement: If homosexuals want to be considered a normal, accepted part of everyday life, I don't believe there isn't a lot of point in activities which are so pointedly self-segregational. You cannot ask people to look beyond ...
The new iteration of the TV series takes a head-on approach to issues like LGBTQ rights and Black Lives Matter, all while selling millions of dollars in product, from makeup sticks to subscription boxes. BoF spoke with 'Fab Five' member Tan France and se