“I competed in the 2016 games in Rio in air pistol shooting, and we had a team PT that would travel with us to competitions,” she said. “I was 19 when I placed 29th in the Olympics. Afterward, I retired from competition to go to PT school.” After attending undergradu...
NBA scouts say they are still learning more about what Klintman's go-to skill is, as he's a jack of all trades who still has work to do with the consistency of his perimeter shooting, ballhandling, decision-making and defensive awareness. Showing growth in those areas...
Did anything similar happen toKaja Ballo? Possible mass suicide[] Magery Wakefield, former long term Scientologist fears a mass suicide may happen. Magery Wakefield has described herself as a typical Scientologist though she was in Scientology for ten years and was not typical of short term Sciento...
the real Linda Richman, who was a straight-shooting Jewish woman from New York. Myers amped up every aspect of her personality when creatingSNL’s Linda: Her hair was bigger, the glasses were wider, the nails were longer
To that end, the Raiders are going to be an interesting team to watch.Las Vegas coach Josh McDaniels and GM Dave Ziegler did the three-year, $121.5 million extension with Carr last April to essentially make Carr their version of Alex Smith in Kansas City—as a veteran quarterback they cou...
Steve Sisolak announced the state tentatively plans to reopen casinos on the Las Vegas Strip and throughout the state on June 4. AAA did not issue a Memorial Day travel forecast for the first time in 20 years and stated 'the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to significantly suppress travel over...
Book for sure. The movie was solid and enjoyable, but kind of just another pretty good movie. The book was special. It was one giant thought experiment that explored, “What would happen if a super-smart astronaut got stranded on Mars?” and you got the answer to the experiment told thr...
If you had come to Dallas in 1960 from any other American town of comparable size, you would have found it much the same as your city. Its people dressed alike, talked alike, thought alike, as the preponderance of middle-class citizens did in any other town; the country had after all ...
at the site of the now-deserted Wampanoag village of Patuxet. There they sat for the next few months in crude shelters - cold, sick and slowly starving to death. Half did not survive that terrible first winter. The Wampanoag were aware of the English but chose to avoid contact them for...
What’s your best advice for someone moving toNYC?–Tessa C. (Kansas City, MO; living in Dublin, Ireland; moving to New York, NY) Get rid of your stuff (or store it somewhere) unless you really love it. Small apartments can be cozy and great if you don’t have too much stuff. ...