Walid Khalidi, `Why Did the Palestinians Leave, Revisited', Journal of Palestine Studies 34.2 (2005 [1959]): 42-54; Tom Segev, One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate (New York: Owl Books, 2...
NEW IMMIGRANTS from North America arrive at Ben-Gurion Airport on a special El Al flight of the Nefesh B’Nefesh organization. Why do Jews from around the world, living comfortably in their birthplaces, leave everything they know and move to Israel? (credit: FLASH90) Fifty years later this...
Judaism, the oldest Abrahamic religion, is based on a strict, exclusive monotheism, finding its origins in the sole veneration of Yahweh, the predecessor to the Abrahamic conception of God. This is referred to in the Torah: "Hear O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is One" (Deuteron...
Waiting for the Apocalypse, the Prologue to Volume One of my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, ends with a quote from (retired) Major General Shlomo Gazit, the best and the brightest of Israel’s Directors of Military Intelligence. Over coffee one morning in early 1980,...
I happened to hear Arabic music over the radio which so much pleased me that I was determined to hear more. I would not leave my parents in peace until my father finally took me to the Syrian section in New York City where I bought a stack of Arabic recordings. My parents, relatives ...
A Pastor Discusses the History of Israel and Why Christians Should Care About Israel and the Jews
For These Four Olim, Israel Did Not Turn Out to Be the Promised Land. They Look Back on the Problems They Faced and Explain Why They Took the Tough Decision to Leave
on Israel due to anti-Semitism, hatred of the Israeli government, and general distaste for Jews, the more Zionist I get, though of course I’ll never accept the superstitions of Judaism. It’s hard to remember that there was a time—not that long ago—when Israel barely crossed my mind...
and of course the homeless. What I did not know what the beautiful stories of those who have completed the programs. Their journeys were heartbreaking, yet their stories of finding Jesus at the end of those journeys was praiseworthy. Jesus Christ filled the empty barren holes in their lives....
Israel: When Abram was told by God to leave the land of his father and travel to Canaan, he obeyed and set about establishing his household and making an heir. At the age of 99, Abram made a covenant with God concerning his offspring and circumcised himself on God's command and changed...