Why did Moses leave Egypt? Why was Abraham's story mentioned again in the New Testament? Why did Abraham sacrifice Isaac in the Bible? Was Moses' brother the pharaoh? Who is Pharaoh in the Bible? Why was God angry with Moses? Why is Abraham from the Bible important?
Judaism insists that the return of Jews to biblical Israel must await the Second Coming of the Messiah. Zionism, when it declared itself to be in existence, in Switzerland in 1897, said, in effect: “We can’t wait for Him. Zionism is the Messiah.” As Israel’s longest-ser...
Why did Moses strike the rock? Why was God angry with Moses? Why did Moses leave Egypt? Why were the Ten Commandments given to Moses? Why did God choose Moses? Why is Moses important to the Jews? Why did God bury Moses? Why did Moses make a bronze serpent? How did Moses die? Why...
Our Father Abraham hadeight sons. The record of these sons and their names are in the Book of Genesis. First he had Ishmael, who was the son of a slave woman--Hagar of Egypt was his mother. She was the slave of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Where is Canaan today? The land known as Can...
1. When did the Jews and the Christians tamper with the Old and theNew Testament? Before the time of the prophets or after? Certainly, the previous Quranic verses prove beyond the shadow of doubt that it was accepted during the time of Mohammad. ...
Passover, one of Judaism's most revered holidays, honors the ancient Israelites' freedom from slavery in Egypt.
I know that YHWHhas given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you.10We have heard how YHWHdried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to...
``And he has sent you his authority to judge Christ, and we advise you, do not leave his will unfollowed. pilate said, ``upon my word i do not find a good reason. nor did he ever find a reason why it should be necessary to condemn him. ha dhiso y tannvonas y alloes krist...
I don’t think the first born in Egypt during the captivity would have agreed with the verdict of compassion and mercy either. (Exodus 11:5 & 12:29) First of all, Jehovah is the one who purposely hardened the heart of the Pharaoh so that he would not let Moses and the Jews go. Go...
Indeed, the JEWS put SO MUCH PRESSURE on Fox News that in their initial efforts to DEFEND Beck — the Jew-Hammer KEPT ON POUNDING — and GLENN BECK (just when he was dealing with the REAL ISSUES) Got FIRED. The JEWS Did IT! What a crying shame… If you like what I am doing BOTH...