Why Did The Holocaust Happen the world. From the end of WWI to the end of WWII Jewish people from many countries in Europe were forced into concentration camps‚ where their best option was living and working in terrible conditions‚ and their worst option death. My question iswhydidthis...
Why was the First World War considered a total war? Why did WW1 happen? Why did Germany join WW1? Why was World War II important to history? Why did the Hundred Years War start? Why did the conflict between 1914 and 1918 in Europe quickly evolve into a world war?
The question is not so much "Why did God allow the Holocaust?" but "Why did we?" God gives mankind freedom of choice. We can choose to follow Him and take a stand for righteousness, or we can rebel against Him and pursue evil. The problem resides in the heart of man. "The heart...
Why did Serbian nationalists assassinate the Archduke Ferdinand? Spark in the Balkans: In the early 1900's, European nations had a series of secret alliances. There was a growing movement for independence of provinces and regions of Europe that ethnically did not fit in with the ruling class....
the love of God stop making that fucking movie do the amount of times they made that movie I would think I would know somebody white who actually did that shit you know yeah that's my guy says ghettos that's what he does yeah sit around and watch SportsCenter you know he's in the...
Answer (1 of 10): Holocaust is important in History because in 1930s Nazis which was party of Hitler killed 60,000 Jews in Concentration Camps.Nazis killed Jews because he thinks that Jews were behind all the unrest in International politics.Killing of J
His father was a survivor of the Holocaust. I wanted to put this speech up now because it isuncensored, showing the abuse to which the pro-Israel speakers were subject, an abuse not evident in what was apparently acensored clip of Natasha Hausdorff’s speech the other day. I think it li...
As my Polish friend Malgorzata said (she lost most of her relatives in the Holocaust), “I don’t understand how this can happen in America.” I’ll be back later with photos and video of the encampment. So far the protestors seem to be there for the long haul, as they’re well ...
inward-looking to this narrative – it is so focused on the stress over losing an arms race, on fears of making a mistake, on anxiety over what would happen if bombs were to one day be dropped on the U.S. – that it drowns out what actually did happen after the bombs were ...
Many believe its roots can be traced back to Germany. That's unless you're actually from Germany. According toGerman-Way.com,there is little history in Germany regarding the pickle. "Teachers of German in the U.S. and in Europe have never been able to find a native German who has ever...