Why did the October Crisis happen? Why do we have standard time? Why is it called the '95 Theses'? Why was the bubonic plague called the Black Death? Why April 1 is celebrated as April Fool's Day Why is Advent an important time on the church calendar?
the bubonic plague announcing a comeback and expecting people to be happy about it. or finding out your stage iv rectal cancer had returned, after nearly killing you the first time. or the worst president in modern history, the one who incited a violent coup because his ego is so fragile...
Kylie Would Take a Shot of the Bubonic Plague If It Turned Back Time.So Why Not Admit It?Daily Mail (London)
The Black Death haunts the world as the worst-case scenario for the speed of disease's spread. It was the second pandemic caused by the bubonic plague, and ravaged Earth’s population. Called the Great Mortality as it caused its devastation, it became known as the Black Death in the late...
Through trade ships to Italy, theBlack Deathmade its way into Europe in the 1300s. The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was supposedly spread by rats, fleas, and other infected animals. It was extremely contagious, and a minimum ofup to 50 million European residents diedin ...
14th c BCE / Dynasty 18, Metropolitan Museum New York (image courtesy of MMNY) By Patrick Hunt – Did the Ancient Egyptians know and use emery? I reprised this old question in 1991 in an invited paper at […] Art Gulbenkian Museum Memorabilia in Lisbon 7 months ago Calouste Gulbenkian...
What exactly did the first 18 months of darkness look like? The Byzantine historian Procopius wrote that “the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during this whole year.” He also wrote that it seemed like the sun was constantly in eclipse; and that during this tim...
Why Did Korn Wear ADIDAS Track Suits? While Davis admitted there was a Run-DMC influence, he explained, "It was also about Korn always from the beginning going the opposite way and being rebellious and even from the name of the band, we were never what you think a rock band should be...
Why Did Korn Wear ADIDAS Track Suits? While Davis admitted there was a Run-DMC influence, he explained, "It was also about Korn always from the beginning going the opposite way and being rebellious and even from the name of the band, we were never what you think a rock band should be...
gone on record as saying this was the first album he did where hedidn’t have to rush his lyrics, while guitaristMunky comparedtheRequiemalbum to one of their more successful releases,Untouchables. With “Start the Healing” leading the way, the band will issue theirRequiemalbum on Feb. 4....