in the development of hip-hop was brought to the forefront when pioneering Queens rapper Roxanne Shanté received her Lifetime Achievement Award — the only solo female rapper to do so — with a poignant recollection of the dreams she harbored when she was first making a name for herself. ...
Who Did He Beat?: Richard Sterban of the Oak Ridge Boys, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Breland. Notes: Despite its population, very little country talent has come out of New Jersey. You'll find that to be the case for several states in the northeast. Best Country Singer From New Mexico: Mich...
I don't think we even really did anything to it from that initial session. He just mixed it really well and we came to the studio. I recorded my vocals and an actual guitar, but for the most part it stayed the same. That was before I had Splice, so on YouTube ...
There was just one hitch: Drake put out the song on June 29, the night before JT had agreed to turn herself in to the Tallahassee Federal Correctional Institution in Florida to begin her two-year sentence. That could have capped the Girls’ career before it started. Instead, the ill-...
"Miriam Makebaused to tell me the expression 'World Music' was a politically correct way of calling our music 'Third World Music,' therefore putting us in a closed box from which it was very difficult to emerge. Now the new name of the category opens the box wide open and allows every...
And then Kehlani reached out. How did she get in touch with you? Through TikTok.Basicallyshe ended up ringing me and she was like, "Can I get an open verse?" And I was like, "What? Of course you can get an open verse."
"Something interesting that I've noticed over the years is, it's almost like the crowd never changes, and never grows up," he suggests. "The front row always looks the same as it did in 2001." Pop-punk has seen a strong resurgence in recent years, with artists like Machine Gun...