阿富汗人和叙利亚人在突击步枪上缠绕布胶带的主要目的是双包或确保额外弹药的承载,以提高换弹速度并简化操作过程。其次,布胶带的作用是保护枪托和前部免受阳光直射,从而在恶劣环境中保持其完整性和耐用性。Cat Timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWUpFjApwxg, 视频播
For Saudi Arabia, reaching out to new Syrian leadership is an important step to strengthen its ties with Syria and balance the regional stability. "It's not just about trade or investment; it's about ensuring that Syria's new government doesn't become overly dependent on one regional power,...
Mark A. Grey
People have worked very hard to rewrite the history of Ronald Reagan’s presidency, but objective historical facts dispute the wishful thinking of the 40th president's admirers. What were some of the bad things that Ronald Reagan did as president?
When the army captures Idlib, it would surely move toward the next stage, which is the departure of foreign forces that have entered Syria without the consent of the Syrian government such as the U.S.-led coalition and Turkey, according to Hmaidi Abdullah, a Syrian political analyst. ...
’s death. She said –“I consider thisrevengefor the thousands of Syrians who were killed by Hezbollah, the main support of Bashar al-Assad. Hezbollah committed the most heinous massacres against Syrians, and it also participated in the starvation and displaceme...
“They have been following me to every volunteer event that I have attended,” Advic said. “In three weeks, they have done three volunteer events, including Day of Dignity.” RELATED: Couple cancels wedding to help Syrian refugees The Al-Salkini brothers defy the stereotypes some people harb...
@Ice-_-Dice That makes a lot of sense. Pimsleur’s audio program definitely uses "بط...
4029 Accesses 2 Citations 10 Altmetric 1 Mention Explore all metrics Abstract Education plays an important role in the successful settlement and life outcomes of young people from refugee backgrounds. Because of this, research into young people from refugee backgrounds in education systems tends to fo...
When the factory was bombed and completely destroyed in 2012 in the Syrian Civil War, the family left Syria and became refugees in Lebanon. The son, Tareq Hadhad, gets admitted to Canada. Hoping to land in Toronto, he instead ends up in the town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia. His father ...