Why didn't Alexander the Great conquer Rome?: During the reign of Alexander the Great Greece, and therefore Alexander, had their hands full solidifying control of Persia. Rome was tiny and virtually unknown - for a while at least.
Why did the Achaemenid Empire never conquer Arabia? Why did the Persian emperor Darius invade Greece? Why did the Ostrogoths invade Rome? Why did Charlemagne fight the Saxons? Why did Clement Attlee give independence to India? Why did Britain attack the Ottoman Empire?
Why did military dictators come to power in Rome? Why was the manorial system considered an economic system? Why did the Cuban Revolution occur? Why is Guantanamo in Cuba? Why did Castro carry out the Cuban revolution? Why did Spanish power and prosperity decline in the 1600's?
while they were at Troy, Alexander decorated the tomb of Achilles with a garland, and Hephaestion did the same for the tomb of Patroclus. This would be a pretty clear signal of their relationship to other Greeks at that time. Alexander and Hephaestion were childhood friends rather than...
If Napoleon had remained emperor of France for the six years remaining in his natural life, European civilization would have benefited inestimably. The reactionary Holy Alliance of Russia, Prussia and Austria would not have been able to crush liberal constitutionalist movements in Spain, Greece, Eas...
Not more than two decades ago, Rome revised its Canon Law. It composes new canons to keep up with the times. On the other hand, Orthodoxy, albeit adding canons from time to time and place to place, never discards the old ones, for they, too, are inspired by the Holy Spirit. In ...
Western Civilization classically starts in GREECE. A mediterranean country-.And if we get precise with the Phoenician civilization which influenced the greeks, gave them the alphabet and taught them sea trade. Rome succeeds the Greeks and creates the Roman Empire, igniting the civilization of non me...
Fearing capture, Pompey and his Consul fled Rome. Caesar pursued him, defeating his forces in Spain and Greece. Caesar was ultimately appointed Dictator, but resigned after just 11 days. In 48 BCE, Caesar was once again appointed dictator but left Rome shortly after to chase Pompey to Egypt....
This is a bit misleading: yes, we turned away the Jews (howcouldwe have done that?), as did Canada, but all of them eventually found refuge in England, Belgium, and the Netherlands. It was the refugees to the latter two countries who were rounded up by the Nazis and later killed. ...
Our Founders were well educated in the Classical histories of Greece and Rome, of the Renaissance and the Reformation. They were keen followers of the debates on government, and even participated in those debates. They lived in the full flower of theAge of Enlightenment. Many of them were avi...