Thanks to a decision made more than 400 years ago, not all Christians observe the holiday on December 25.
A while back, I did some deep research and actually came up with that Knights "REAL" name.He was actually Ulrich von Hutten (1488 – 1523) who was a German scholar, poet and reformer. He was an outspoken critic of the Roman Catholic Church and a bridge between the humanists and the ...
The ceremonies of the Roman Catholic religion may be considered as instances of the same nature. The devotees of that superstition usually plead in excuse for the mummeries, with which they are upbraided, that they feel the good effect of those external motions, and postures, and actions, ...
There are married Catholic priests. Some have come from the Anglican Church to Catholicism. Other married priests are found in some Eastern Rite Catholic churches. These rites were part of the Orthodox split in the 11th century, but returned to the Catholic fold later and were allowed to mainta...
Is ethic group prophesied to be against ethnic group according to the Orthodox Jewish Bible? Did the red horse begin the ride in the 20th century? What is the relationship of the seals of Revelation 6 and the start of the Great Tribulation? Will a warring ‘Beast’ leader arise in Europe...
And then there is (Babylonian Talmudic) Aramaic, which I suppose a New York police officer could’ve been exposed to if he had had an Orthodox Jewish education. So, we have the same term being used to describe a group of languages (like Romamance or Germanic) and a specific language (...
Email Correspondence Between Jeff Rense and Br Nathanael “Great work. I knew there was something wrong with that story but I did not have time to check into it. WELL DONE. Jeff”———“Hi Jeff. In answer to your question about the alleged “gas cut offs” by Russia to Europe via ...
“I just go where the life is, you know? Where I feel the Holy Spirit,” Bono toldChristianity Today‘s reporter, Cathleen Falsani. “If it’s in the back of a Roman Catholic cathedral, in the quietness and the incense, which suggest the mystery of God, of God’s presence, or in ...
“And so a lot of people say there’s too much personal freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, you have to move to limit it. “That’s what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the Housing “Projects, about how we’re going to have weapon sweeps and more th...
For “Christ” is the “annointed” Whom God promised throughout the OT Who would “anoint” those who hoped in His pending coming and those who DID receive Him during and after His coming. “Judeo” & “Christian” are terms in opposition to one another. “Judeo” denotes & connotes ...