Unexpected crashes are sometimes called the "Slashdot effect", which stems from the early 2000s when technology news site Slashdot would link to smaller sites, frequently causing them to crash. If a site unexpectedly makes it to the front page of Reddit and crashes due to traffic overload, it...
years later. “I would have moments when I would think about it, and I would just be like, ‘What did I do?'” she says. “I didn’t do anything. This one man made a decision that completely changed my life, and I got punished for simplybeing.” Related Content Anxiety, Joy, an...
"We were happy to let you go because not only did you lie about being able to park trailers, you let your emotions effect your driving capabilities, aggressively driving behind/yelling at other cars (we have had friends get their vans SHOT at for this) you were not getting rest for long...
A wingsuit BASE jumper just live-streamed his own death—marking the latest fatality in the sport’s deadliest year. We investigate why both highly experienced pilots and beginners are dying in this extreme activity.
I don't think I can change the drivers cause it might cause my computer to crash with the DPC Watchdog Violation whenever I try to connect to my current Wi-Fi network and I think I am on the newest drivers from the Microsoft update catalog. I might have to try using...
Jelly Roll says, "'Cause 'Save Me' meant so much to me, man. It was the song that did it. It was the song that changed my whole life, then went on to radio and changed my life again." The singer continued, "And then to see, come four years later and this song has helped mi...
Recently, it's been sitting far enough north to mean that warm air has been blasting the normally frigid Upper Midwest. "The orientation of it right now is not very winter-like," Andrew Orrison, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in College Park, Maryland told The Associa...
See also: Carl Sagan on the topic (a must watch), Hitchens, Hawking – Did God Create the Universe? (a must watch), BBC Horizon – What happened before the big bang?, BBC Nothing (a must watch) and ‘A Universe From Nothing’ by Lawrence Krauss (a must watch). “Some would ask,...
They did it because, as various columnists have pointed out, these were nerds who congregated on Reddit; they liked GameStop, they had warm feelings towards it, and they didn’t like the idea of these rich Wall Street chads making a tidy profit by bankrupting something they cared about. ...
Restart Your PC-- Seriously,restart your PC. If a crash has occurred and your PC is not restarting automatically, press and hold your PC's power button to turn off the PC. Then, turn the PC back on. One of two events will occur; either the PC acts normally and the crash was a si...