This act of violence had resulted in Poseidon creating an aggressive storm and becoming infuriated at Odysseus as seen in Book 9 where he states, “I wish I were as sure of ripping out your lungs and sending you to Hell”.Did you like this answer? Yes No Do...
Why does Odysseus kill the suitors? Why do the Dames make Scyld Scefing their king even though he is only a child in Beowulf? Why is Odysseus an epic hero? Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus in The Odyssey? Why did Hercules kill his family?
Why do Telemachus and his mother need Odysseus? Why did Odysseus go to the underworld? Why did Virgil use the Iliad as the inspiration for the Aeneid? Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus in The Odyssey? Why does Penelope test Odysseus in The Odyssey?
Why does Athena hate Poseidon? Athena: Athena did not have a mother; she erupted from the head of Zeus fully grown and dressed in armor. She is the patron goddess of Athens and the goddess of wisdom. Key Facts: Athena is also known as Minerva in Roman mythology. ...
How did Jane Goodall's discovery help the world? Why was the Osage tribe important? Why is Eurydice included in the plot of Antigone? Why are Greek myths famous? Why does Athena hate Poseidon? Why is the Roman theatre of Merida important?
Why did Zeus punish the rebels in Sophocles' Antigone? How did Roman architecture reflect Greek mythology? Why was fate so powerful in Roman mythology? Why does Athena hate Poseidon? Why is Egypt famous in the history of storytelling?
Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus in The Odyssey? Why does Huck want to save Jim Turner in 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'? Why does Jack London think Buck is loyal? Why does Othello attack Iago in the play? In Romeo and Juliet, why do Sampson and Gregory fight with Montague's...
Why is Poseidon angry with Odysseus in The Odyssey? Why did Odysseus seek Teiresias? Why does Odysseus kill Antinous first? Why is Athena loyal to Ulysses in The Odyssey? Why does Fitzgerald use an unreliable narrator in The Great Gatsby? Why didn't Odysseus kill the cyclops? Why is...
Why did Hades kidnap Persephone?Hades:Hades is the Greek god of the Underworld. He is the eldest son of the Titans Rhea and Cronus and the brother of Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon, as well as other gods. After the gods defeated the Titans, Zeus drew the winning lot to become the new ...
Did Loki have a staff in Norse mythology? Why was Heimdall the watchman of the rainbow bridge? What made Viking ships and Scandinavian architecture unique? Why does Athena favor Odysseus? Does Loki have horns in Norse mythology? Why does Athena hate Poseidon? How did Heimdall get his powers?