Using the case of the Camp Fire in northern California, which destroyed the town of Paradise and surrounding communities in the fall of 2018, this article explores how new arrivals to this area interact with rebuild institutions to evaluate their risk of future wildfires. The paper builds off ...
Pope Benedict XVI said, "It's more important to have good priests than to have many." He also has said that the Church of the future may be smaller but more faithful. He has also used the image of the “mustard seed,” suggesting a smaller presence that nevertheless carries the capacity...
They made this change on the authority of the Pope, in the 11th century, not any Council of the whole Church (Ecumenical Council). 4. Christ Why did God become man? The Roman Catholic answer to this question differs from the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church. Following the holy ...
It was through fits and starts that I had some realization of how to present myself as a vocalist. I never felt like I reached a point where I feel like I am comfortable with it, and I regret not actually focusing on that more seriously as I did with everything else. When it came...
Fides et Ratio(“On Faith and Reason”), by Pope John Paul II A Grammar of Assentby John Henry Newman Introduction to Christianityby Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Penséesby Blaise Pascal Did you like this content?Please help keep us ad-free ...
Anna-Maria Taigi, foretelling how a True Pope will miraculously be elected (view) Imperative information about the man known to the world as Cardinal Siri and His suppressed Papacy (view) The Apostate Vatican II Council & More (view) "To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome [a false "pope"...
France has a variety of gun laws as well, and that did not stop the Muslim terrorists from killing over a hundred there in the Fall of 2015.And the 9/11 terrorists used box cutters, and not guns, to perform their murderous acts. There are many ways to commit terrorist acts that do ...
The celebration of Jesus' birth on December 25th did not start until 354 CE when Pope Gregory proclaimed the date as that of The Nativity.. Prior to 354 the Church had even guessed Jesus' birth to be in April. After the Church changed the date to December, there were Christians that ref...
But if they did, they would say –‘note to self, insure that Fr Joseph fellow never become pope as long as we are running the Vatican’. They wouldn’t add that last bit, of course, being divine gods, they assume they will always be control the hierarchy of what passes these days ...
First, the Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class. Second, never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry. Third, the Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons. ...