hawaiipearlharbor. InthisattackAmericasufferedgreat losses,andthisurgedAmericato makethefinaldecision.Thatmeans Japanmustpaytheprice WHY •Toputanimmediateendtothewar •TheUSAwasfacingtheprospectof invadingJapantosubdueit •ToforceJapantosurrenderwithoutfurther ...
Why did she speak such good Italian? Had her father engaged in suspicious activities? Was she a traitor? She was released without being charged, but soon after suffered the consequences of the anti-Italian sentiment that had spread like wildfire since the United States entered World War II. ...
There were several strategically dumb things that were done during World War II. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the German invasion of the Soviet Union were two big ones. However, at least for those two, each country had some sort of reason for doing what they did, even if the ...
December 7, 2021: Today marks the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Nearly a century after the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service launched their deadly attack—a move that would spur the U.S. to join the war effort and change the course of history—mysteries surrounding that ...
416 Words 2 Pages Open Document Right after WW2 began, Germany invaded France in early May 1940. The U.S. entered the war in December 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor. By 1942, The U.S. and the British would help each other cross the English channel into Germany. Before ...
Why did the US win the Battle of Pearl Harbor? Why was acquiring Guam important for the United States in the Spanish-American War? Why was Teddy Roosevelt important to the Spanish-American War? Why was South America not in WWII? Why did the British lose the war for America?
Why did Germany lose WW2? Why was the Battle of Britain important? Why did the British win the Battle of Britain? Why was Pearl Harbor important to WW2? Why did Japan ally with Germany in WW2? Why was World War II important to history? Why was the Battle of Britain so costly to Germ...
Did you ever play Milton Bradley’s game Town Dump? The object was to bulldoze trash onto your opponent’s property. Unlike the many other quality games from Milton Bradley, this one appears to be rubbish. You may also like: Where every U.S. president went to college 1978: Farah Fawcett...
“it is well enough that people do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, i believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” –Henry Ford “corporations are people, my friend.” –RMoney they don’t teach kids how to balance a checkbook anymore ...
also shaped by her experiences after the war. Complete strangers would come up to her in public and say hateful things (much like the anonymous assailants who attack Chinese grandmothers on the streets today). Until she died at 91, she hid in her ...