The flood starts coming into the northern reaches of the Okavango Delta in late April. And makes its way steadily down reaching many camps sometime in June or possibly early July depending on their precise location. And the flood peaks in August. As it is the dry season, gradually the floo...
Location: Located at the Northern edges of Central America, Belize was one the last British colonies on the American continent. Until 1973, it was known as British Honduras, one of the last British colonies in the American mainland. Since its relatively recent independence on September 21, 1981...
Afterwards he learned that ruling is not a fun: instead of being appreciated, he was hated and murdered for his decisions. That shook his confidence and made him a bit more causious about taking the Northern crown. However, that doesn’t mean that his ambition has wanished: rather it has...
For some years Greek philosophy then seemed to circulate around the Greek colonial periphery, from Ionia (Thales, Anaximander, Anaximines, Heralcitus, Xenophanes), to Italy (Pythagoras, Parmenides, Zeno), Sicily (Empedocles), and the northern Aegean (Democritus, Protagoras), to Ionia again (Melis...
Read: Haplotype 19 or Benin-Sickle cell haplotype (southern Nigeria runs through Southern Europe); Haplogroup E3b (northern Nigeria runs through southern and western Europe), Haplogroup R1b (northern Nigeria runs through Iberian peninsula, Ireland, southern France, southern Germania) and muurs......
The three Roman Catholic northern districts (Porrentruy, Delemont and Saignelegier) voted two to one in favour, while the three Protestant southern districts (Moutier, Courtelary and La Neuveville) voted three to one against. The confessional line was particularly sharp in the Vallon de St Imier...