I will have achieved success and I will become the center of life for this other person and this person will be my center, and we will mean everything to each other forever.” This myth, which every marriage relies on, is soon exposed. The coming of children, the pulls and tugs of ...
1.Para.[1]:Thesedayssomanymarriagesendindivorcethatourmostsacredvowsnolongerringwithtruth.a.endin:tofinishinaparticularway结果为,以…结束(告终)e.g.他们的计划以失败告终。Theirplanendedinfailure.b.ringwith:回响着,回荡着,充满…声音e.g.Thecinemarangwiththechildren’s laughter.电影院里满是孩子们的...
We all have hidden strengths and amazing capacities for growth and creative change. Change, however, requires work---observing your part in a rotten pattern, bringing difficulties out into the open--- and work runs counter to the basic myth of marriage: “When I wed this person all my pro...
1 WhyMarriagesFail(ByAnneRoiphe) Thesedayssomanymarriagesendindivorcethatourmostsacredvowsno longerringwithtruth."Happilyeverafter"and"Tilldeathdouspart"areexpressions thatseemonthewaytobecomingobsolete.Whyhasitbecomesohardforcouplesto staytogether?Whatgoeswrong?Whathashappenedtousthatclosetoone-halfofall ...
2) Losing yourselves in the marriage Codependency is never a good thing for any relationship, much less a marriage. When two people are so intertwined and dependent on each other, they fail as individuals, thereforefailing as a couple. ...
You like the idea of sharing your life with someone who loves you, but if you're honest, marriage is pretty scary. You may ask yourself, "Will I ever be able to get beyond the damage my family did to me? Will I be able to experience a happy and healthy marriage and family?" ...
marriage: “When I wed this person all my problems will be over. I will have achieved success and I will become the center of life for this other person and this person will be my center, and we will mean everything to each other forever.” This myth, which every marriage relies on,...
Why There are so Many Marriage Failures Today This is caused by three things, mobility, affluency, and isolation. In times past people lived and died in one geographic area as did their family. This meant that there were many relatives of yours who had observed your potential spouse grow up...
Why did our marriage end? Nicole knows why; Tom Cruise the topless Top Gun with a parting shot for his former wife.Boshoff, Alison
WHYMARRIAGESFAIL AnneRoiphe AnneRoipheisnotedforherexplorationofwomen’ssearchforpersonal identity.Themesrunningthroughherfictionandnonfictionincludefeminism, marriage,family,andculturalidentity.Onecommentatorhasreferredtoher writingasa“thoughtfulandoftenprovocative”analysisofhistoryandofthe forcesthatshapemodernculturean...