Ideally you want your progesterone tested on days 19-21 of your cycle or about a week after you have ovulated (mid-luteal phase). If you ovulate later, just count 7 days after ovulation and get your test done then. Your blood serum progesterone level should be 15-25ng/mL. If it is ...
Explain why hemoglobin releases more oxygen at an actively working muscle than a resting muscle. What keeps muscles contracted continuously and what ends the contraction? Why are the biceps and triceps considered antagonistic muscles? How can a muscle lengthen when it ...
The theory behind the A1c test is that our red blood cells live an average of three months, so if we measure the amount of sugar stuck to these cells (which is what the hemoglobin A1c test does), it will give us an idea of how much sugar has been in the blood over the previous t...
Although we cannot change the past, researchers could also make a more concerted effort to seek out and highlight diverse voices who did contribute historically but who have largely disappeared in narratives of our origins, as we tried to do here with the work of Roberta Hall, as well as ...
Guess you did not need to reply to my other questions. Here are the answers I was looking for all along. Thanks, Reply Monica 13 years ago Yes, T therapy is the only way to restore your T level. The OTC supplements, known as T-booster, available on the market today, don’t hav...
What did one do around here? Nothing. Wait for summer to end. What did one do in the winter, then? I smiled at the answer I was about to give. He got the gist and said, “Don’t tell me: wait for summer to come, right?” ...
Or maybe there is no Great Filter and we’re simply one of the very first civilizations to reach this level of intelligence. In this way, AI boosts the case for what I called, in my Fermi Paradox post, Camp 1. So it’s not a surprise that Nick Bostrom, whom I quoted in the ...
And therefore, you’ve got to control your A1C, the binding ofsugarto this protein hemoglobin. And whether you have diabetes or not, any doctor can order this A1C level. In my book,Grain Brain, on page 117, is a very interesting graph that demonstrates this exact correlation between the ...
Anemia(your blood is low on iron-rich hemoglobin) The location of the bleeding may affect what you notice. Blood in stool If it comes from the rectum or the lower colon, bright red blood will coat or mix with your stool. If the bleeding is higher up in the colon or at the far end...