brother called Earth Echo International. It teaches children and teenagers about keeping Earth’s oceans clean. Later, in 2008, Alexandra started another company called Blue Legacy. It works to protect Earth’s oceans. As the head of this company, she travels around the world, working on import...
A work-around of sorts is to give Docker its own volume to write to ("When Docker eats up you disk space"). This doesn't actually stop it from eating space, just from taking down other parts of your system after it does. My solution was to uninstall docker, then del...
What is Russia’s Wagner Group, and why did it recently try to depose Putin? John Lechner and Brian Klaas explain on this episode of Out of the Loop! On This Episode of Out of the Loop: What is Russia’s Wagner Group, and what kind of desperate degenerates fill its ranks? How did...
Ubuntu’s three default gnome-shell extensions are great, but they do have a measurable performance impact. We’re working to fix this but in the meantime you might consider disabling any that you don’t need. If you don’t already have the Extensions app icon installed, you can just run...
Echooler 本科在读,人工智能x生物方向 屏蔽垃圾信息 | 首先务必屏蔽掉垃圾信息和无效社交,这都是毫无意义的。尤其是最烦人的人情世故。前段时间someone told me why you didnot give me gift 我是真的很无语的。在本科期间接触商人思维的someone是非常让人头疼的事情。因为the one 脑子里对于利益的追求实在可怕,...
What other instruments did you experiment with? I don't even know how many there are! So many synths, so many pianos, so much space echo vocals. We really had fun at the studio. When you're creating something that doesn't exist, you feel more free. So it was like, "Let's look...
As I now sit on hold with QBO while the support person is doing some checking, I did some additional drilling down into this thread and came to the conclusion switching to accountant view does not help. Unless I contact my accountant to make the change, ...
You didn't see this one coming, did you? I bet you thought I would hit you with something generic like quantum computing. Trolling aside, I'm incredibly bullish on personal brands, especially heading into 2025. This opportunity is twofold: it benefits your business and you as an ...
I know I can copy the files into the application's file location, but I did not have to do this before. I'm sure nothing changed in this regard and the latest version of Adobe is installed. Also, I do not get this error in the IDE. The PDF viewer that I have in the installe...
It's my data. It's my software license, but I need to hire an accountant to access undo? Let me guess, I can also pay Intuit for this service? What a filthy company. It's not your data. Why did you lock out to undo to accountants only? What ...