A drop in your credit score may have an impact on your ability to get credit in the future. Understanding what categories could be impacting your credit score is important in managing your financial future. Did you know? Did your credit score recently take a hit and you’re looking to ...
Credit scores may drop after paying off debt like loans or credit cards because it can affect scoring factors such as credit utilization and mix of accounts.
You tap, insert, or swipe your credit card as you’ve done so many times before—but, for some reason, your credit card isn’t working. You hand the card over to the cashier to try, and they have no luck processing your payment either. Have you ever encountered this problem and wonde...
and so on, times dozens or hundreds of transactions.*** This isn't a matter for the accountant. This is a basic bookkeeping task that any entry level office clerk off the street can perform. Why can't the 'Advanced' version of Quickbooks Online seem t...
The welcome bonus is the top reason why people shop for new credit cards—here are 3 not to miss JD Power's new study finds people say the reason they shop for a new credit card is to get a better rewards program and collect a welcome bonus. ...
Another common reason for a returned credit card payment is when the bank account you used to make the payment has been closed. If you close your bank account or switch to a different bank, any payments scheduled after the account closure will be returned. When you close an account, it is...
Why Did Kendrick Lamar Wear A Crown Of Thorns? Lamar can be seen sporting a crown of thorns on theMr. Morale & The Big Steppersalbum cover. He has sported the look for multiple performances since the project's release. Dave Free describ...
How did Visa manage to convince the merchants to pay for the credit card processing fees? Why does Uber charge my credit card from Vorden Netherlands? Why are credits and debits different for banks compared for personal finance usage?
I asked this one borrower why he decided not to pay his mortgage for a whole year sincehe had a steady six figure job. He said, “Because my home is under water, so why waste money?” He then turned around and said, “Banks are evil anyway.”I wanted to punch that guy in the...
when you sneeze or make a noise.The anecdotal explanation for this behavior is that your cat is talking to you, as meows are part of the preferred communication channel that cats use for interactions with humans. But what’s therealreason that cats sometimes insist on answering us with a ...