Playback may not work as expected on if you have an ad blocker enabled on your web browser or if you have strict security settings on your device or network. If you do have an ad blocker on, you can find instructions below on how to disable your ad blocker: ...
Pretty annoyed, if you ask me. But this is basically how people experience today’s ad-supported content. It’s no surprise that there are at least200 million monthly active usersof ad blockers worldwide and still growing. According to Noah Fenn, head of video sales and strategy at AOL, ...
Some tips to stop phone scammers. I have turned off the voicemail and the ringer on my landline. Eventually they give up because there is no verification the line is active. If you can’t do this, when you answer the phone… don’t say anything and put the phone on mute to keep t...
如果您有需要幫助,請新增一個新問題 Why impossible to find a YouTube ad blocker extension for Firefox Android 1 回覆 0 有這個問題 9 次檢視 最近回覆由 Paul 1 年前 rick400tec 2023/7/23 凌晨1:37 Why impossible to find a YouTube ad blocker extension for Firefox Android Why is it impos...
These days it would take me only about 1 hour to accomplish what I did in my first full day of stoneworking. It’s such a pleasure to be able to work error-free or nearly error-free. Anyone can achieve these results too, but it takes time and you need to ignore the lure of the...
However, they forget the fact that ad blocker extensions need complete access to the sites you access in order to stop unnecessary ads. This essentially means installed ad blocker extensions can read the data like your login username and password. In fact, you should provide the necessary permiss...
Ad Blockers Make the Web Less Real When I worked for a big design agency here in Toronto, I almost always used Internet Explorer for my browsing. My co-workers didn’t understand why I used IE so much. Mainly I did so because I was used to it from years of using IE6. But it wa...
I use chrome on my Mac because my school uses google docs a lot and it's better than IE on my windows device, but I prefer Safari on iOS for ad-blockers and reading list. Speaking of which, their google drive apps are very bare-bones compared to the browser variant. Passable ...
We live in an all-or-nothing world, and many people think that, when it comes to online ads, people are either ok with seeing all of them or using ad blockers to see none of them. So what’s prompting users — and there are hundreds of millions — to install ad blockers? A new...
ads are punished for it, fewer sites will feel tempted to use those sorts of ads. This should lead to a less annoying internet, which means fewer people will go through the trouble of installing a separate ad blocker. This could also mean better prices for the less annoying sorts...