Ibn Khaldun was the World’s most Renowned Muslim Thinker. The remains of Khaldun’s writings confirm that Arabs Did Not Create The Ancient Sciences and knowledge Muslims of today try to lay claim to . The Muslim Arabs were nothing but Thieves ,murderers ,and war mongering enslavers who have...
All these ecological services and impacts are intensified by ants’ mindboggling numbers. The distinguished myrmecologistE. O. Wilsonestimated that 1015to 1016ants crawl on Earth’s surface at any given time (that’s quadrillions, figures usually discussed in astronomy). A later appraisal fine-tun...
While springing the clocks forward “kind of jolts our system,” the extra daylight gets people outdoors, exercising and having fun, says Anne Buckle, web editor at timeanddate.com, which features information on time, time zones and astronomy. “The really, really awesome advantage is the...
But if you are a Catholic, Anglican, Mormon, or some other form of Christian--or even a Muslim, Hindu, or whatever else--before you conclude too quickly that I was just involved in the wrong religion and that your own "One True Religion" (tm) is safe from my critique, think carefull...