a在拌合站和使用的搅拌机、砂浆机等旁设置沉淀池,不得将污水直接排放。 In mixes the mixer which stands and uses, the mortar machine nearby and so on establishes the sedimentation pond, does not have the sewage direct emissions.[translate]
The way it is divided up probablyh makes rational sense or did when it was written over 20 years ago, but it does look like a plateful of spaghetti to me, since I have not done much experimenting with it in the past. Also I considered it a top priority to minimize anything that coul...
Kraken, a U.S.-based crypto exchange, is reportedly under federal investigation on suspicion of violating sanctions by allegedly allowing users in Iran to trade virtual currencies. Tornado Cash, a “crypto mixer” that allows its users some element of anonymity when transferring crypto assets, was...
For a long time I thought I’d make music when I got my studio back up and running. Then I did and... I didn’t. Family life and day job were rarely compatible with hunkering down in a music room, and what time there was I inevitably squandered on updates and iLok whack-a-mole...
Indeed -- and White did not believe it at the time. "I hung up on him," White, who was cooking dinner for some of his bandmates at the house they shared, told UCR some years ago, remembering the phone call. "I thought someone was playing a prank. John Lennon's not going to cal...
nobody’s needs anything printed right now. We were just basically shut down. And he said, Look at what we did. Instead, he takes the plastic that I guess they use in some of their signs and he’s making face shields. Yep. For businesses and first responders and it’s just amazing...
I wonder if we did a poll, how many users of the deal forum are still using Cakewalk. I, like a lot of long time Cakewalk users, bought Studio One before Bandlab bought Cakewalk. But I never used it and today I find myself fairly satisfied with Cakewalk and the price is ideal. Ba...
I have a 7-year-old who I thought was no longer laying, but she did lay one clutch a few weeks ago. She hadn't laid (that I knew of) for months prior to that clutch.I think they've just naturally slowed down, but perhaps there's more to it. Why is the duck refusing to ...
Are you one of those people who, like, totally has this great story that involves a dream you had, and this crazy guy who did this crazy thing, and then your mom called and it was, like, wow? That story sucks. Also, you talk too much. Learn to listen. Consider a class at Columb...
Andrew: I get that. And you know what, what I ended up doing is I did end up talking about, not Mixergy but this other project that I’m doing with the Mixergy community about meditation, and about shutting out those, the inner doubt. And the reason I did it was not to send peo...