Lincoln is said to have responded: "How interesting. I find every now and then that even unpleasant situations in life have certain compensation. As you came in just now, did you pass through the waiting room?"
Why did Abraham Lincoln oppose the annexation of Texas? Why did the Union's aims during the Civil War shift from reunification to emancipation? Why did President Polk go to war with Mexico? Why was the Battle of Goliad important? Why did Abraham Lincoln write the Gettysburg Address?
“Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%,” Nobel Prize–winning economist Joseph Stiglitz wrote a chilling reflection on the consequences of a dysfunctional economy that works well for only a tiny fraction of the population. His title, painfully echoing Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, asks ...
A mediocre Republican President like Dwight Eisenhower deserves a few credits and several criticisms. This does not by any means make him one of America’s worst presidents, but he hardly deserves a monument for his mediocrity. Giants like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and F...