The Greek word for Anointed is χριστος (christos), from the verb χριω (chrio), to anoint. So no, the familiar words Christ and Messiah are not reserved for Jesus but describe anybody Sovereign: any prophet, high priest and king, in the past, present and future. The ...
"Why do you squint at the splinter in your brother's eye, and fail to see the log in your own eye?" - Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 7:3)
For example, the Greeks had a doctrine of the Logos. The Gospel of John opens, “In the beginning was the Word (Logos, in Greek). For the pagans, the Logos was not God, as He is for Christians; rather he is a principle, a power or force by which “God: formed and governs the...
“Twilight,” has its own queer sparkle. “I can only see it now,” she says. “I don’t think it necessarily started off that way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolating. It’s such a gay movie. I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor [Lau...
CanadaLebowski is the perfect fusion of umm…Lennon, Lenin, Chandler and Jesus. And it’s in English. CanadaJust a great representation of how we all need to CHILL. THE FUCK. OUT. Lol. Very brilliant artistically and comedically as well. Also, vaginas… ...
And God — I think that I've mentioned it in other sermons, and we all should know, that originally there were the two, as you find in John the first chapter and the first three or four verses. There was the Word, which comes from the Greek word Logos that means Spokesman, ...
appears as Logos in the Greek [John 1:1-3] in the New Testament, and is translated "the Word." Its meaning is the One of the God Family who is the Spokesman, by whom God [the Father of the God Family] created all things. It is the One who came in human flesh, Jesus Christ....
“Unless the murders stop, I (Jesus Christ, the Logos, God Incarnate) will send a punishment upon this (U.S.) Nation.” March 21, 1991 Jesus to Catholic visionary Nancy Fowler of Conyers, Georgia – on line reference for everyone in the USA and throughout the entire World to see for...
Jesus Christ stands for the real Sabbath that solves all problems, and Zionism (or rather the small part of the Jewish leadership) stands for causing eternal unrest for others with lies. The New Testament explains how Jesus Christ is the real Sabbath. 64 AD = year 1 Beginning of the Great...
“I don’t think it necessarily started off that way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolating. It’s such a gay movie. I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor [Lautner] and Rob and me, and it’s so hidden and not OK. I mean, a Mormon woman...