They believed the Messiah would enter Jerusalem by way of the Mount of Olives. It was from theMount of Olives that the Glory of the Lord left Israel. See Ezek. 11:23. And it would behere that the Glory of the Lord would return. Interestingly, Jesus made His triumphantentry into ...
On Wednesday I spent about four hours at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and even that wasn’t long enough to see all the interesting stuff. There are four bits to peruse: archaeology (not just in Israel, but throughout the world), things reflecting Jewish life, art (including Impressionist...
So, now at this point, we understand the vileness of the usage of Dogs and Pigs in 7:6. Did Jesus actually call anyone by those names, not necessarily, yet the use of these adjectives describes the unholiness of an unbeliever and that discernment is necessary in order to understand who ...
"Why do you squint at the splinter in your brother's eye, and fail to see the log in your own eye?" - Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 7:3)
to first-century Jerusalem. There, a tormented Pontius Pilate reluctantly sentences Jesus of Nazareth to death. With the narrative shifting between the two settings, Woland and his entourage – Azazello, Koroviev, Hella, and ...
Or did it never leave Jerusalem and the Temple Mount? Glenn speaks with City of David Foundation’s Director of International Affairs, Ze’ev Orenstein, who tells him his personal theory and why he believes we won't truly find out until the Third Jewish Temple is built. Plus, he explains...
Likewise, Jesus said that the whole Law and prophets is summed up by: "Treat others the way you want to be treated" (Matthew 7:12). To some, this Golden Rule is a mere snazzy bumper sticker full of humanistic feelings. To others, however, it declares intent and legality, supply and ...
two angels appeared beside them, reproving them for standing and staring into the sky, and letting them know Jesus would come back in the very same way they’d seen Him depart. Then the disciples headed back from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, ready to do the work Jes...
To walk the same streets as Jesus is unforgettable, to see history as old as the Bible was a footprint on my heart I will never forget. Mount of Olives, Israel Dome of the Rock Jerusalem Old City Church of the Holy Sepulchre Finally, our 2 weeks in Israel came to an end and it ...
Other churches teach that Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke with Christ before his death in Jerusalem, as conscious, living souls. Paul describes leaving to be with the Lord. John saw the vision of souls who had been slain upon the earth and were asking the Lord when their blood would ...