Passion of Jesus Christ Why did Christ suffer and die? Discover the enormity and diversity of what His death achieved and then, share it with anyone who asks! Detailing 50 positive outcomes of Jesus' sacrifice, this book opens our eyes to the ultimate good born... J Piper - 《Crossway Bo...
This is what it means to take up your cross and follow Jesus. It means to imitate or follow Him, but not to copy Him. It means to view our suffering and troubles the way He viewed His … as something that God can redeem. Jesus did not want to suffer and die (and more than we ...
He (Jesus), has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. (2 Timothy 1:9b-10)Paul clearly links immortality to the gospel. Paul did not believe the Greek philosophy of his day which taught the immortality of all souls. ...
14Pero ¿quémueve a la gente a dar más atención ahora a los buenos modales? jw2019 6Why,though, was it necessary for Jesus to suffer and die? 6Ahora bien,¿por quéera necesario que Jesús sufriera y muriera? jw2019 Why,though, does God allow Satan to rule?
Why did God wait so long to send Jesus? I have answered similar questions before regarding the apparent “delays” in God’s timetable. For example, we have previously considered the question, “Why did Jesus wait three days to rise from the dead?” and “Why is Jesus waiting so long ...
Mark had a different focus. While he did understand Jesus as the Son of God, he typically made sure that people understood his humanity as being a part of the unique personhood of Jesus. Jesus is not half human and half God. The human part was as important as the God part. For ...
Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and vicious taking of life. We shouldn't be a part of it. — Dick Gregory 133 Pain and suffering are a kind of currency passed ...
Jesus realized what was ahead. He knew He would suffer in many ways and eventually be murdered by the religious leaders. On that same occasion Jesus made it clear that those who follow Him must also be willing to suffer. “Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me...
when I was going to his and his wife’s house to have dinner one evening. He said, “We are going to stop off. There is somebody who would just really like to see you.” And we stopped at Sarah’s house and had about an hour with Sarah, and I just love her heart for Jesus....
“My brother did not have to suffer and die,” Rodney Price, Price’s younger brother tells Truthdig. Price’s death encapsulates nearly everything wrong with the U.S. criminal justice system, and the conditions that make it one of the deadliest in the world. Price was arrested, instea...