耶穌為什麼要由童貞女所生? WHY DID JESUS HAVE TO BE BORN OF A VIRGIN? 〔Traditional Chinese〕 牧師 克裡斯托弗·凱根 博士著 (by Dr. Christopher L. Cagan, Pastor) 二○二○年十二月二十四日聖誕夜 於洛杉磯浸信會幕 所授之課 A lesson taught at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles...
What we believe about Jesus falls apart, too. If we don’t understand how Christ’s mother is related to him, then we are certain to stumble into a heresy that denies the Incarnation. After all, how could Jesus be born of a woman (Gal. 4:4) and be like us in all things except ...
the projects they just have to make a difference you know they just made that movie again what that was at Hilary Swank it's like did you even need to go see it it's like let me guess she shows up and they don't accept her right then she goes home she cries to her feminine boy...
If I am being honest with myself I have to admit, yes. My longing to be accepted within all of my relationships before knowing Christ, stemmed out of a fear of mankind. I desired acceptance, love, forgiveness and joy to come from others. If I just did enough then they would accept m...
Why did Jesus Christ have to suffer? Essentially, Jesus Christ suffered and died because of sin—not His own sin, but the sins of all of mankind. Notice the prophet Isaiah’s description of Christ’s suffering: “Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been ...
See also: Evidence for Jesus, Did Jesus Exist? [2][3], Why I am not a Christian (a must read), the Christological Argument, Hitchens – Core of the Jesus myth and Christianity is Immoral (both must watch). “Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own fathe...
“I do believe that there have been many times that God has saved me, that God has been the one to bring me back, and be like, ‘You’re not done yet, girl.’” When did I learn Iwasn’tgoing to hell? College, to start. ...
When Did Mary Become The Mother Of Jesus Out of all the women in Jesus’ time God chose Mary an ordinary woman to be the mother of Jesus. Shedidnot come from great wealth and was not an important woman at all she was just a simple girl with a simple life. Sowhyis it out of ever...
To get the pagers only into the hands of Hezbollah, Mossad hired the woman who usually sold pagers to the terrorists. In toto, 30 Lebanese died and 3,000 were injured, almost all of them fighters. Yes, a few civilians were hurt, including children. But the vast majority of those injured...
So, they never offered the woman a chance for repentance and mercy from God as if they would have loved to be treated that same way. God is a God of mercy, not the God of wrath but those accusers of the woman wanted to make him a God of wrath. That was ...