J. Cole,Might Delete Later Say what you want aboutJ. Cole, but rapping at an elite level is not an attribute he lacks. The Dreamville head honcho's surprise mixtape,Might Delete Later, finds him once again proving just that. As the prelude toThe Fall Off, the tape finds Jermaine tappin...
OhGeesy has a history of sampling from within hip-hop dating back to his days as a member of the popular L.A. group Shoreline Mafia. They were selective, but did use both Juvenile’s “Back That Azz Up” and Too $hort’s “Gangsters & Strippers” as part of two tracks. OhGeesy,...
(intense) will to live and to express Love," she countered in the response, which was posted to Medium. "I appreciate everyone who was a part of it, in any and every capability. It wouldn’t have existed the way that it did without the involvement, skill, hard work, and talents of...
Lamar got serious about rapping around the same time he cooled out on partying. “Before finding music, I didn’t have too many aspirations,” he says. “I wanted to hang out, make a little money from whatever I had to do. Because that’s all you see in...
That was something I wanted to do a lot. I did it on "Mossblerd" too. Cause I thought that shit was genius. Like those DaBaby songs are so simple and they start so fast and so quickly, it's like a freight train. And I was like, "How can we do that in a pop punk forma...
When did you first start writing music? I first started when I was about 13. I picked up a guitar because my dad played. It was the first instrument that I ever really thought to pick up just because it was there. Once I’d spent about six months learning basic chords, I started wr...