“Escalation is in no one’s interest,” Matthew Miller, the State Department spokesperson, told reporters in a briefing on Monday. He added that the United States did not consider escalation “inevitable” and was sending messages to Iran through its allies in the region that an...
Israel's far-right government has also announced plans to build 5,000 new buildings in its settlements within the occupied West Bank, while in April police carried out a raid on the al Aqsa mosque - one of the three holiest sites in Islam. On the other hand, the...
Russia’s attack on Ukraine has placed Israel, a staunch U.S. ally, in a delicate position. Initially cautious in its reaction, Israel has condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in increasingly tough language, but so far has not joined with other democracies in imposing economic s...
Sarah Schaffer
But few of the ships targeted have had direct links to Israel. In a recent attack, one of the commercial ships hit — the Unity Explorer — had a tenuous Israeli link. It is owned by a British firm that includes Dan David Ungar, who lives in Israel, as one of its office...
As women from Iran and Afghanistan, we stand united in our fight against the Taliban…pic.twitter.com/JsELWtMHUg — Masih Alinejad (@AlinejadMasih)April 6, 2024 Coleman Hughes, his usual composed self, tells the truth about the war between Israel and Hamas: ...
Because the same malware was found on the networks of hotels which had hosted negotiations with Iran about a nuclear deal, it would suggest that it is an Israel-backed group again - but that's far from certain. "Most probably it was made by the same people or they shared the ...
As much as we support Israel in their own defense we have to be careful about how much airstrike they have command of – were in favour of removing any immediate they have at this moment even in contemplation against IRAN and unfortunately the only way to do this is to DEMAND Americ...
Still, the measures aren’t nearly as strict as rules the U.S. has in place to target Iran, which punish foreign banks for transactions of any kind with an Iranian bank. One big loophole isan exemption that allows energy-related transactionswith sanctioned Russian banks. While that has preven...
Britain and America’s shared energy fears were secretly formalised during the planning for Iraq. It is widely accepted that Blair’s commitment to support the attack dates back to his summit with Bush at Crawford in April 2002. The Times headline was typical that weekend: Iraq Action Is Delay...