Why do we dream, and what would be the purpose behind a nightmare? Why do people dream? Why do some people not dream? Why do you have weird dreams when you are sick? Why would you dream about particular person? What causes recurring dreams?
Yes he did. "I love you truly," he said. "I love you deeply. I love you more than any other woman I've ever encountered. I love you more than Mary, Jane, Susie, Penelope, Ingrid, Gertrude, Gretel -- I was on a German exchange program then." (Laughter) "I love you more than...
So people looking for good jobs are going to fail. I want to talk about those looking for great jobs, great careers, and why you're going to fail. First reason is that no matter how many times people tell you, "If you want a great career, you have to pursue your passion, you hav...
Keynes did not mention a basic income, assuming instead that standards of living would rise inexorably until, around 2030 or so, his utopia would materialize. There is still time, but some proponents believe a basic income could hurry the process along. They see creative people, freed from the...
It took years for me to realize that writing for my own enjoyment wasn’t wrong and that trying to write in a manner unnatural to my own WAS wrong. Now, I work hard to put down the best effort I can and hope folks like reading it as much as I did writing it. Marianne on July ...
a"I don't know why Mum always says that to me and where dreams come from,"thought Sarch sleepily.She was still thinking when her magic bed whispered,"Left,right,hold on tight.We're off to Dream Land tonight." “我不知道为什么妈咪对我总说,并且梦想来自的地方, “想法困Sarch。她仍然认为...
Before I published this post, I ran the ideas below by some expat friends. I wanted them to tell me I was off my rocker, and to give me a different perspective. Instead they said “Nora, we would really like to tell you you’re wrong. But how on earth did you figure all this ou...
Have you ever taken a selfie (自拍照) and thought, “Why do I look so weird (奇怪的)?” The reason may be because photos show us the reverse (相反) of what we see in the mirror. When we take a photo of ourselves using the front-facing camera on a phone, the resulting image cap...
I will have a bunch of people coming in arguing how that devalues labor, robs others of credit (even though nobody else is working on this stuff but me… there are literally no others), and that I cannot call myself a solo-dev if I did not also code the ...
I have a habit of being dismissive of my personal projects, thinking they’re just weird little ideas I had. Maybe it started off that way, but now, those weird little ideas are my body of work. Myband,arrangements,recordings,writing, etc., are what I have to show for what I’ve br...